I am new to Xercesc. I have included the xerces static lib xerces-c_static_3D.lib in my Project properties->linker additional libraries. Everything else using xerces works fine but when I add this line,
XMLCh* paramStr = XMLString::transcode("param");
I am getting the error below. Please let me know why is this happening?
LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: static unsigned short * __cdecl xercesc_3_1::XMLString::transcode(char const * const,class xercesc_3_1::MemoryManager * const)" (__imp_?transcode@XMLString@xercesc_3_1@@SAPAGQBDQAVMemoryManager@2@@Z)
3>a.lib(MetaFileReader.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: static void __cdecl xercesc_3_1::XMLString::release(unsigned short * *,class xercesc_3_1::MemoryManager * const)" (__imp_?release@XMLString@xercesc_3_1@@SAXPAPAGQAVMemoryManager@2@@Z)
3>a.lib(MetaFileReader.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: static char * __cdecl xercesc_3_1::XMLString::transcode(unsigned short const * const,class xercesc_3_1::MemoryManager * const)" (__imp_?transcode@XMLString@xercesc_3_1@@SAPADQBGQAVMemoryManager@2@@Z)