Asterisk 11 cannot deliver caller and callee voice sound on specific WIFI network.
WIFI phone ==> 4G LTE phone (Can hear sound/Working)
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
-- Called SIP/01036504100
-- SIP/01036504100-00000594 is ringing
-- SIP/01036504100-00000594 answered SIP/01010001004-00000593
-- Locally bridging SIP/01010001004-00000593 and SIP/01036504100-00000594
> 0x7f5a401b6800 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to 1XX.63.12.134:7076
> 0x7f5a401b6800 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to 1XX.63.12.134:7076
> 0x7f5a3800bf90 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to 2XX.62.163.73:51658
3G phone ==> 4G LTE phone (Can hear sound/Working)
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
-- Called SIP/01088143268
-- SIP/01088143268-00000596 is ringing
-- SIP/01088143268-00000596 answered SIP/01036504100-00000595
-- Remotely bridging SIP/01036504100-00000595 and SIP/01088143268-00000596
> 0x7f5a3800bf90 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to 3X.7.29.226:2779
> 0x7f5a40017050 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to 2XX.62.163.73:51944
> 0x7f5a3800bf90 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to 3X.7.29.226:2779
Another WIFI phone ==> 4G LTE phone (Can't hear sound/Not Working)
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
-- Called SIP/01036504100
-- SIP/01036504100-00000598 is ringing
-- SIP/01036504100-00000598 answered SIP/01088143268-00000597
-- Remotely bridging SIP/01088143268-00000597 and SIP/01036504100-00000598
> 0x7f5a40116470 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to 5X.237.58.102:7076
> 0x7f5a40116470 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to 5X.237.58.102:7076
> 0x7f5a38027a20 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to 2XX.62.163.73:52040
> 0x7f5a38027a20 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to 2XX.62.163.73:52040
I was thinking maybe I only open UDP between 10,000 and 20,000. However, I was wrong. asterisk -rvvvvv doesn't show me what is the problem.