I'm populating a ComboBox in C# from an instance of a class. How to get the selected item by retrieving the reference to the corresponding object ? I already used SelectedValue, SelectedItem, SelectedIndex but they all return the string representation of my object..
A piece of code, to show what I'm trying to do :
The populating part:
foreach (Business.IAuteur auteur in _livreManager.GetAuthors())
The retrieving part, activated when clicking on the save button :
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Business.IAuteur auteur = new Business.Auteur();
auteur = (Business.IAuteur)comboAuthor.SelectedValue;
// A short verification that my item has been correctly
// retrieved
toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = auteur.Nom;
The error message, pointing here: toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = auteur.Nom;
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.