I was writing a javascript game so that everytime 4 different random colors are placed on the screen as images and the player is asked to click on the green color, however I cant find what to write on the click function even after searching so much, also how to I make the images keep changing automatically every few say for example 2 seconds
heres how the game works : when the page loads, 4 blank white images are shown after clicking on the start button 4 different colors take place of the blank image after clicking on the green image the game should say alert something
I used 0-5 code for colors on the script for img src 0.jpg being for white , 1-4 green red blue brown respectively
any help would be appreciated
the code : http://jsfiddle.net/gf2un/1/
var counter = 0;
var greenNumber;
function start() {
var button = document.getElementById("startButton");
button.addEventListener("click", generateColor, false);
function generateColor() {
var color;
var imgCheck = [];
for (var i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) {
color = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4);
while (imgCheck.indexOf(color) !== -1)
if (color == 1) greenNumber = i;
imgCheck[i] = color;
setImage(i, color);
function setImage(rdmNumber, color) {
var rdmImg = document.getElementById("color" + rdmNumber);
rdmImg.setAttribute("src", "images//" + color + ".jpg");
rdmImg.setAttribute("width", "90px");
function Click( clickedImage )
var theSrc = clickedImage.src;
if (theSrc = "image/1.jpg")
document.getElementById('score').innerHTML = "Score : " + counter;
window.addEventListener("load", start, false);
<img id = "color4" src = "images/0.jpg" alt = "box 1 image" width = "90px" onClick = "Click(this)">
<img id = "color1" src = "images/0.jpg" alt = "box 2 image" width = "90px" onClick = "Click(this)">
<img id = "color2" src = "images/0.jpg" alt = "box 3 image" width = "90px" onClick = "Click(this)">
<img id = "color3" src = "images/0.jpg" alt = "box 4 image" width = "90px" onClick = "Click(this)">
<form action = "#">
<input id = "startButton" type = "button" value = "Start">