I am not an expert in sql. My wordpress started to return timeouts and respond really slow. when I started digging, I noticed that the slow_query log has a lot to tell me. unfortunately I have a lot of slow queries. for example:
# Time: 140425 17:03:29
# User@Host: geektime[geektime] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 7.024031 Lock_time: 0.000432 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0
SET timestamp=1398434609;
SELECT wp_posts.*
FROM wp_posts
INNER JOIN wp_postmeta ON (wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id)
INNER JOIN wp_postmeta AS mt1 ON (wp_posts.ID = mt1.post_id)
LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS order1 ON order1.post_id = wp_posts.ID
AND order1.meta_key = '_event_start_date'
LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS order2 ON order2.post_id = wp_posts.ID
AND order2.meta_key = '_event_start_time'
AND wp_posts.post_type = 'event'
AND (wp_posts.post_status = 'publish'
OR wp_posts.post_status = 'future'
OR wp_posts.post_status = 'draft'
OR wp_posts.post_status = 'pending')
AND ((wp_postmeta.meta_key = '_event_start_date'
AND CAST(wp_postmeta.meta_value AS CHAR) BETWEEN '2014-04-11' AND '2014-04-17')
OR (mt1.meta_key = '_event_end_date'
AND CAST(mt1.meta_value AS CHAR) BETWEEN '2014-04-11' AND '2014-04-17'))
GROUP BY wp_posts.ID
ORDER BY order1.meta_value,
order2.meta_value ASC;
The columns post_id, meta_id and meta_key are indexed in wp_postmeta table. The columns ID, post_name, post_type, post_status, post_date,post_parent, post_author and guid are indexed in wp_posts table.
however, the columns ID and GUID are indexed twice, is it bad?
and there are 4 indexs with the same key_name: type_status_date, is it bad?
How could it be that I have 60K rows in wp_posts and 3M rows in wp_postmeta?
I know its a lot to ask but I really tried to understand from researching online.
thanks in advance.
. – Rick James