
My server is running Windows Server 2012.

At my client: Is WebSockets the default communication used in the .NET client?

How can I verify which communication method is used by my .NET client?


1 Answers


From the docs:

You can find the transport method used for the connection in the query string data, along with some other values used internally by SignalR:

string transportMethod = queryString["transport"];


The Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client.Transports namespace includes the following classes that you can use to specify the transport.

  • LongPollingTransport
  • ServerSentEventsTransport
  • WebSocketTransport (Available only when both server and client use .NET 4.5.)
  • AutoTransport (Automatically chooses the best transport that is supported by both the client and the server. This is the default transport. Passing this in to the Start method has the same effect as not passing in anything.)

So yeah, the .NET client does support WebSockets if you're using .NET 4.5