Inside my Sencha Touch controller, I am selecting my views, using refs:
config: {
refs: {
HomeView: 'HomeView',
LoginView: 'LoginView',
ProductsView: 'ProductsView',
TestViewTwo: 'TestViewTwo'
I have the routes:
routes: {
'': 'home',
'home' : 'home',
'login' : 'login',
'products' : 'products',
'products/:id': 'product',
'testingtwo' : 'testingtwo'
And, when the user gets on a certain route, I do the following check:
see if the view exists, if not create it, and add it to the viewport
home: function () {
console.log('TestApp.controller.Router home function');
var comp = this.getHomeView();
// How can I get the view name from "comp", to avoid manually typing the name of the new view:
newView = 'TestApp.view.HomeView'; // i want to avoid this.
// the pseudo code should be:
newView = comp.getViewName;
if (comp === undefined) comp = Ext.create(newView);
How can I get the view name from "comp", to avoid manually typing the name of the new view?
I have explained it better in the code above.
Any ideas?