I have an array of a couple (the array is up to 10) date/time that I want to write to a spreadsheet using getRange().setValues(). I'm converting the array to a string and it looks correct in Logger.
[Mon Feb 02 14:01:00 GMT-06:00 2015, Tue Feb 02 01:00:00 GMT-06:00 2016, , , , , , , , ]
When I try to write the string to a single cell in a sheet:
I get this error:
Incorrect range width, was 10 but should be 1 (line 84, file "Code")
Edited 4/28/2014 adding entire script:
* Copies source range and pastes at first empty row on target sheet
function CopyIt(){
//Establishing source and target sheets
var source_spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var target_spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("0AhCv9Xu_eRnSdHpLTkc0d1ZURUtyTU9oRjdFbmpMUFE");
// Get source and target sheets - can be the same or different
var sourcesheet = source_spreadsheet.getSheetByName("Form Responses");
var targetsheet = target_spreadsheet.getSheetByName("Work_Orders");
//Get row of last form submission
var source_last_row = sourcesheet.getLastRow();
// Check for answer to Do you need a Flyer Created? If No, end now. If Yes, continue.
var check = sourcesheet.getRange("T"+(source_last_row)).getValue();
if (check == 'Yes') {
//Pulling date(s) from the users form entry (source sheet) into an array
var daterange = sourcesheet.getRange("H"+source_last_row+":Q"+source_last_row);
//Getting the values of the array
var classDate = daterange.getValues();
//changing the array values to a string
//Building a new variable with the string to be inserted below in the target sheet
var source_range6_values = classDate;
// Get the last row on the target sheet
var last_row = targetsheet.getLastRow();
//Setting the target cell in the Marketing Work Order sheet
var target6 = targetsheet.getRange("U"+(last_row+1));
// Aadding a new row in the target sheet
//Inserting the values of source_range6_values into the target sheet. Unfortunately it does not enter the data into the same field and it's in military time.