I think Arhopala's answer is good. I took the liberty to take a step further, and added the function assign_values_to_leaves_edgePar
to the dendextend package (starting from version 0.17.2, which is now on github). This version of the function is a bit more robust and flexible from Arhopala's answer since:
- It is a general function which can work in different problems/settings
- The function can deal with other edgePar parameters (col, lwd, lty)
- The function offers recycling of partial vectors, and various warnings massages when needed.
To install the dendextend package you can use install.packages('dendextend')
, but for the latest version, use the following code:
require2 <- function (package, ...) {
if (!require(package)) install.packages(package); library(package)
## require2('installr')
## install.Rtools() # run this if you are using Windows and don't have Rtools installed (you must have it for devtools)
# Load devtools:
Now that we have dendextend installed, here is a second take on Arhopala's answer:
groups<-sample(c("red","blue"), 10, replace=TRUE)
x.clust.dend <- x.clust
x.clust.dend <- assign_values_to_leaves_edgePar(x.clust.dend, value = groups, edgePar = "col") # add the colors.
x.clust.dend <- assign_values_to_leaves_edgePar(x.clust.dend, value = 3, edgePar = "lwd") # make the lines thick
Here is the result:

p.s.: I personally prefer using pipes for this type of coding (which will give the same result as above, but is easier to read):
x.clust <- x %>% dist %>% hclust %>% as.dendrogram
x.clust.dend <- x.clust %>%
assign_values_to_leaves_edgePar(value = groups, edgePar = "col") %>% # add the colors.
assign_values_to_leaves_edgePar(value = 3, edgePar = "lwd") # make the lines thick