I have a couple of questions about modern opengl:
(i) A Model matrix is described as a "contains every translations, rotations or scaling, applied to an object"(1)
(ii) So that must mean for every VAO(contains a scene object, such as a chair) there must be a vertex attribute, a 4x4 Model matrix, that contains the translation, rotation and scaling of that object in order for the vertex shader to transform that each vertex into world space, right?
Therefore, would i have 32 Model matrices if i had 32 scene objects(1 Model matrix per scene object)?
(iii) Then could i deal with the View and Projection matrices as a couple of uniforms to the shader?
(iv) If a program has more than 1 scene object, such as a table and chair with different translation, rotation and scaling, is it possible to have 1 Model matrix that accommodates each scene object's different translation, rotation and scaling?