
Hi guys I've set up an openID login system - just like the one we have here on stackoverflow and on the backend I'm using JanRains libraries. It was working fine until all of a sudden - people can't login using a google or yahoo openid. ITs constantly failingt - instead however any other regular openid seems to work fine. WHats going on here - I tried to trace the error and for some reason its unable to retrieve the authentication Service - technically for those familiar with JanRain in the AUth/OpenID/Consumer file on line 339 or around that in the Auth_OpenID_Consumer :: begin function:

$endpoint = $disco->getNextService($this->discoverMethod,

The endpoint is returned null for anyone logging in with a google account - however other non google/non yahoo accounts log in.. whats going on here - my site is now live :( and I'm already regretting having implemented the openID thing....I first tried using Zends openID library - that failed big time and so I switched to JanRain - it worked for a while but now its failed me too....

Which version of the OpenID protocol does your copy of JanRain's lib support and what version do Yahoo and Google currently implement? Also, is there any error messages available?Gordon
uuuh.. nevermind...for some reason it happens mostly on my localhost when I try to test it from there..rarely online but I don't get any error messages at all.. just a response saying FAILED...Ali

2 Answers


Sometimes this is a symptom of your system's HTTPS-fetcher being busted, or improperly configured CA certs, since both Google and Yahoo are HTTPS-only IIRC.


Yahoo requires a valid domain name and not just an IP address.