I am trying to implement drag drop in NSCollectionView
which will allow to re arrange cells in view. I have set the delegate and implemented below methods :
-(BOOL)collectionView:(NSCollectionView *)collectionView writeItemsAtIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)indexes toPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pasteboard {
NSLog(@"Write Items at indexes : %@", indexes);
return YES;
- (BOOL)collectionView:(NSCollectionView *)collectionView canDragItemsAtIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)indexes withEvent:(NSEvent *)event {
NSLog(@"Can Drag");
return YES;
- (BOOL)collectionView:(NSCollectionView *)collectionView acceptDrop:(id<NSDraggingInfo>)draggingInfo index:(NSInteger)index dropOperation:(NSCollectionViewDropOperation)dropOperation {
NSLog(@"Accept Drop");
return YES;
-(NSDragOperation)collectionView:(NSCollectionView *)collectionView validateDrop:(id<NSDraggingInfo>)draggingInfo proposedIndex:(NSInteger *)proposedDropIndex dropOperation:(NSCollectionViewDropOperation *)proposedDropOperation {
NSLog(@"Validate Drop");
return NSDragOperationMove;
I am not sure how to take this further. With this I can see that now I can drag around the individual Collection Item but how can I make the Drop