Here are a few notes I took while getting the authorization going. Google's documentation is rather thin, I think. Hope this may help someone.
As of 2017, authentication does not work anymore as described here.
Check out this post - much more accessible than the 'official' documentation:
Create a new spreadsheet via
Create new app specific password via
Create Auth token with app specific password:
curl -v --data-urlencode --data-urlencode Passwd=... -d accountType=GOOGLE -d service=wise
Doesn't have to be a GMail address - use the address of your Google account.
I also used -d source=...
(as in the 'using curl' document above) but I guess it's unnecessary.
As for the wise
string - see for a list of service names.
Copy auth key: Auth=...
in the document returned by the server.
If you can get the authentication working somehow (I didn't), the rest may still work:
Get list of your spreadsheets: curl -v -H 'Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=...' > spreadsheets.xml
Find worksheets URL for your spreadsheet: xmllint --format spreadsheets.xml | less
Look for the name of your spreadsheet, copy the href from <link rel="".../>
Explained here:, but with a different rel URI. :-(
Get list of worksheets in your spreadsheet: curl -v -H 'Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=...' >worksheets.xml
Find listfeed URL for your worksheet: xmllint --format workheets.xml | less
Should be described here: , but again, the URIs don't match what I'm seeing... <link rel="".../>
looks good...
Finally, add the row. This is the part that user2029890 describes in their answer: curl -v -H 'Content-Type: application/atom+xml' -H 'Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=...' -d '<entry xmlns="" xmlns:gsx=""><gsx:id>123</gsx:id><gsx:user>bob</gsx:user></entry>'
The XML element names, e.g. gsx:id
and gsx:user
, have to match the column headers.
The XML parser is quite picky - it requires double quotes around attribute values.