I'm aware that the SSJS version of @DbColumn()
has the same 64k limitiation as the original Formula language version. So up until now I used NotesView.getColumnValues()
instead, believing that here I wouldn't face such a limitation.
Which obviously is wrong as an urgent support call yesterday tells me, as well as this crash report by IBM.
The code in question is used to populate the selectItems control in a comboBox; opening the page hosting the comboBox crashes the server's http task and then in consequence the entire server:
This is looking up all category entries from a view. I'm using the combo as a dynamic category filter to the view displayed on the same page.
What alternatives are there to retrieve the complete list of all category entries from the view, even if the data retrieved exceed 64k?
I'm fully aware that showing over 2000 entries in a comboBox might not be a convincing usability concept for some, but the customer loves to be able to see all available entries in one place, and then being able to select from that list. At least the standard solution with a view panel full of category entries, twisties, and the need to step through numerous pages is not a solution.
The application is running on Domino 9.0.1, WinSrv 2008/64k