I want to output multiple lines of text using one renderText()
command. However, this does not seem possible. For example, from the shiny tutorial we have truncated code in server.R
function(input, output) {
output$text1 <- renderText({paste("You have selected", input$var)
output$text2 <- renderText({paste("You have chosen a range that goes from",
input$range[1], "to", input$range[2])})
and code in ui.R
which essentially prints two lines:
You have selected example
You have chosen a range that goes from example range.
Is it possible to combine the two lines output$text1
and output$text2
into one block of code? My efforts so far have failed, e.g.
output$text = renderText({paste("You have selected ", input$var, "\n", "You have chosen a range that goes from", input$range[1], "to", input$range[2])})
Anyone have any ideas?