I am using the following Neo4JClient code to query for all the shipment count that is due within a wee, one week to 21 days and greater than 21 days.
var query = GraphClient.Cypher
.WithParam("userId", userId)
.Match("(veh:Vehicle)<-[:HAS_VEHICLE_TYPE]-(load:ActiveShipment)-[:SHIPPED_BY]->(shipper:Shipper), (user)-[:WORKS_FOR_COMPANY]->(transporter:Transporter)")
.Where("((load.RestrictedBidding = false) OR (user)-[:WORKS_FOR_COMPANY]->(transporter)<-[:HAS_TRANSPORTER]-(shipper)<-[:SHIPPED_BY]-(load))")
.With("load, transporter, shipper, user")
.With("load, collect(shipFrom) as FromCities, collect(shipTo) as ToCities, COUNT(filter(x IN Nodes(p) WHERE x:Shipment and x.PickupDate <= {withinWeek})) as LessThanWeek , COUNT(filter(x IN Nodes(p) WHERE x:Shipment and (x.PickupDate > {withinWeek}) and (x.PickupDate <= {within3Week}))) as NextWeekToFortnight, COUNT(filter(x IN Nodes(p) WHERE x:Shipment and x.PickupDate > {within3Week})) as LaterThan3Week")
.WithParams(new { withinWeek = next7Days, within3Week = next3Weeks })
.Return((load,FromCities, ToCities, LessThanWeek , NextWeekToFortnight, LaterThan3Week )=>new
OneWeek = Return.As<long>("LessThanWeek"),
SevenToTwentyOneDays = Return.As<long>("NextWeekToFortnight"),
Later = Return.As<long>("LaterThan3Week")
this generates the following Cypher query
MERGE (user:Person{InternalId:2})
WITH user
MATCH (veh:Vehicle)<-[:HAS_VEHICLE_TYPE]-(load:ActiveShipment)-[:SHIPPED_BY]->(shipper:Shipper),
(user)-[:WORKS_FOR_COMPANY]->(transporter:Transporter) WHERE ((load.RestrictedBidding = false) OR (user)-[:WORKS_FOR_COMPANY]->(transporter)<-[:HAS_TRANSPORTER]-(shipper)<-[:SHIPPED_BY]-(load)) AND (load)-[:HAS_VEHICLE_TYPE]->(veh)<-[:HAS_VEHICLE]-(transporter)
WITH load, transporter, shipper, user
MATCH p=(shipFrom:City)<-[:SHIP_FROM_CITY]-(load)-[:SHIP_TO_CITY]->(shipTo:City)
WITH load, collect(shipFrom) as FromCities, collect(shipTo) as ToCities,
COUNT(filter(x IN Nodes(p) WHERE x:Shipment and x.PickupDate <= 4/30/2014 12:00:00 AM +05:30)) as LessThanWeek ,
COUNT(filter(x IN Nodes(p) WHERE x:Shipment and (x.PickupDate > 4/30/2014 12:00:00 AM +05:30) and (x.PickupDate <= 5/14/2014 12:00:00 AM +05:30))) as NextWeekToFortnight,
COUNT(filter(x IN Nodes(p) WHERE x:Shipment and x.PickupDate > 5/14/2014 12:00:00 AM +05:30)) as LaterThan3Week
RETURN LessThanWeek AS OneWeek , NextWeekToFortnight AS SevenToTwentyOneDays , LaterThan3Week AS Later
but the results are not what I expect as I am getting OneWeek , SevenToTwentyOneDays & Later all as 1.
To clarify what I am doing: I am trying to do is first get all the loads based on my selection criteria, and then want to get the counts of these loads based where they stand on the delivery dates and only return the count. SO the WITH is really needed in this query.
Q1: Is this even a valid query to write? and how can I fix it.
Q2: Will the use of filter like above impact my query performance and if yes Is there a simpler way to do this?
Edit: BTW the Cypher query pasted above is from the Debug Text of neo4jClient which means the actual query is parameterized but the debug text is writing out the parameter values for easy understanding so the dates are not written properly.
Regards Kiran