Please help! I've a problem that I've been stuck with for the past day.
I need to transfer data from one sheet to another sheet in another workbook. The output row corresponds to a value in input column a, and output column corresponds to a date in input sheet column B.
I've previously dim-ed the input/out workbooks/sheets as wbin,wbout,sheetin,sheetout respectively. Could anyone help see where my problem is? The error I get is runtime error '9': subscript out of range in the copy destination line.
iMaxRow = 5000
Dim subj1 As String
Dim subj2 As String
For iRow = 1 To iMaxRow
subj1 = Range("B" & iRow).Text
subj2 = Range("A" & iRow).Text
With Workbooks(wbin).Sheets(sheetin).Cells(iRow, 3)
'On Error Resume Next
.Copy Destination:=Workbooks(wbout).Worksheets(sheetout).Cells(WorksheetFunction.Match(subj2 & "*", _
Workbooks(wbout).Sheets(sheetin).Columns(2), 0) & _
WorksheetFunction.Match(subj1, Workbooks(wbout).Sheets(sheetin).Rows(2), 0) + 1)
End With
Next iRow
For now, i've disabled the on error resume next. Also, the input column a has 4 numbers followed by string, while the corresponding output row header only has the 4 numbers, hence I tried matching with the wildcard.
Any advice would be really appreciated!