We have been working in this application for quite some time developed using Sencha Touch 2.
We usually test and debug the code using Chrome and Ripple.
The problem we are facing is that we added some custom search and grouping logic to one of our lists views. When tested and debugged using chrome everything worked as expected, but then we used the command to package it in order to integrate it with Cordova and generate the Android and iOS applications. We used the following command:
sencha app build native
For some reason, the code generated with this command is overwriting our custom search and grouping JavaScript code.
Why could this be happening. We like to thing that it is not the sencha tool not working correctly but rather something we are doing wrong that is causing this to happen.
We are clueless on what could the reason be. Can anyone throw some light into this? Why are our custom grouper and filtering functions being overwritten when packaging the application?
Bellow is an extract on how we define the grouping method in our store. Again, when we try this in our debug environment it works correctly. The problem is that when we package it using the above command, the grouper function gets replaced by the default sencha touch 2 grouping function that returns the first character of the string.
requires: [
fields: ['id','name', 'Description'],
sorters: 'name',
grouper: function(record) {
// these are the translation arrays
var desiredvalue = "AAAAAEEEEIIIIOOOOUUUU";
// first we upercase the first character of the name
var firstchar = record.get('name').toUpperCase()[0];
//next we check if it is a special character by checking position in accents string
var n = accents.indexOf(firstchar);
// if character is in accents (means it is a special character) we get corresponding normal character
if (n <> -1)
{ firstchar = desiredvalue.charAt(n);
// and now we just return this value ad the grouping value
return firstchar;
After executing the "sencha app build native" and decompresing the generated code we realize that the grouper function has been replaced by
grouper: function(record) {
var firstchar = record.get('name`);
return firstchar;