Please try with i18n-active_record
.in that all the locales
we can store it in database
in this gem they are using translation
model with no relation,in your case you could create relation between relation
and domain
,then you could store all locales with domain
based when getting locales you could overwrite default gem method.
==> your keys should contain use domain name for find the domain or you can use some other way to get the domain name like in thread
or env
you can save your value.
# my guess key should be
domain = Domain.where(:name => namespace.split("-").last).first
inside gem where ever they are finding translation
just overwrite that method please try it.
i am not sure please try once like that
first migrate your locale
file to db
require 'yaml'
namespace :locale do
desc "Copy translations from yml yo db. Non-overwriting."
task :yml_to_db, [:environment, :locale,:domain] => :environment do |t, args|
info = YAML::load("#{Rails.root}/config/locales/#{args[:locale]}-#{args[:domain]}.yml"))
domain = Domain.where(:name => args[:domain]).first
info["#{args[:locale]}"].each do |key, value|
translation = domain.translations.where(:key => key)
domain.translations.create!(:key => key, :value => value, :locale => args[:locale]) if translation.blank?
i have tried to overwrite one method in gem :
require 'active_record'
module I18n
module Backend
class ActiveRecord
class Translation < ::ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :domain
TRUTHY_CHAR = "\001"
FALSY_CHAR = "\002"
self.table_name = 'translations'
serialize :value
serialize :interpolations, Array
def lookup(keys, *separator)
# in your keys should contain use domain name for find the domain or you can use some other way to get the domain name like in thread or env you can save your value.
column_name = connection.quote_column_name('key')
keys = Array(keys).map! { |key| key.to_s }
unless separator.empty?
warn "[DEPRECATION] Giving a separator to Translation.lookup is deprecated. " <<
"You can change the internal separator by overwriting FLATTEN_SEPARATOR."
namespace = "#{keys.last}#{I18n::Backend::Flatten::FLATTEN_SEPARATOR}%"
# my guess key should be
domain = Domain.where(:name => namespace.split("-").last).first
where("#{column_name} IN (?) OR #{column_name} LIKE ?", keys, namespace).where(:id =>
Please try like this.