I was following the Neo4J online tutorial and I came to a question while trying this query with the query tool:
match (a:Person)-[:ACTED_IN|:DIRECTED]->()<-[:ACTED_IN|:DIRECTED]-(b:Person)
return a,b;
I was expecting one of the pairs returned to have the same Person in both identifiers but that didn't happen. Can somebody explain me why? Does a match clause exclude repeated elements in the different identifiers used?
UPDATE: This question came to me in "Lession 3 - Adding Relationships with Cypher, more" from Neo4J online tutorial, where the query I mentioned above is presented. I refined the query to the following one, in order to focus more directly my question:
MATCH (a:Person {name:"Keanu Reeves"})-[:ACTED_IN]->()<-[:ACTED_IN]-(b)
The results:
| a | b |
| Keanu Reeves | Carrie-Anne Moss |
| Keanu Reeves | Laurence Fishburne |
| Keanu Reeves | Hugo Weaving |
| Keanu Reeves | Brooke Langton |
| Keanu Reeves | Gene Hackman |
| Keanu Reeves | Orlando Jones |
So, why there is no row with Keanu Reeves in a and b? Doesn't he should match with both both relations :ACTED_IN?