Version :
Apache MyFaces 2.1.14 RichFaces 4.3.5
We are migrating from jsf 1.2 to jsf 2.
I have raised a similar question here regarding style sheets.
The issue is the same style (as per answer in above question ) is not taking effect in anothet rich:dataTable component .
Finally , the built-in richfaces style sheet worked as shown in below code.
The generated html code for table header is shown also where rf-dt-shdr-c
(built-in style sheet changing which solved the issue) comes into picture.
So the issue is : Why is generated html different for the same rich:dataTable components with same styles. The only change added in this rich:dataTable to that from others is the sorting behaviour like shown in below code :
Code :
<!-- rich faces built in style (worked )-->
background-image:url(../images/heading-bg.gif) !important;
background-position: left top !important;
background-color: #FFFFFF !important;
white-space:nowrap !important;
<!-- header class (not working ) -->
.headerClass1 {
background-color: #FFFFFF;
background-position:top left;
<!-- rich dataTable with column sorting using a4j:commandLink in header -->
<rich:dataTable value="#{}" var="val" styleClass="adminTable1" headerClass="headerClass1" rows="#{bean.rowsPerPage}" rowClasses="oddRow,evenRow" render="requests" index="index">
<c:forEach items="#{items}" var="column">
<rich:column sortBy="" sortOrder="">
<f:facet name="header">
<!-- html generated for table header part for this question (rf-dt-hdr richDataTableHeader1 is missing here whereas rf-dt-shdr-c comes into play ) -->
<thead class="rf-dt-thd" id="sampleForm:req:th">
<tr class="rf-dt-shdr" id="sampleForm:req:ch">
<th class="rf-dt-shdr-c" id="sampleForm:req:j_id_1d_1_w_1" scope="col">
<!-- html generated for other rich:dataTables , -->
<thead class="rf-dt-thd" id="profForm:app:th">
<tr class="rf-dt-hdr richDataTableHeader1 rf-dt-hdr-fst" id="profForm:app:0">
<th class="rf-dt-hdr-c" id="profForm:app:j_id_67">