
So right now I have the following standard package name setup in my project:

SampleClass.java looks like this:

package main.java.model;

public class SampleClass {
    int packagePrivateMethod() {
    return -1;

And SampleClassTest.java looks like this:

package test.java.model;

import main.java.model.SampleClass;

public class SampleClassTest extends junit.framework.TestCase {
    private SampleClass sampleClass;

    public void setUp() {
    this.sampleClass = new SampleClass();

    public void test_packagePrivateMethod() {
    // this method can't be called right now why?

Why can't the method packagePrivateMethod() be called???

its not private. It has default access.Florescent Ticker
You do know that package private (default) access means that only other classes in the same package can access it?Raedwald

1 Answers


It can't be called because the two classes are not in the same package. One is in main.java.model the other in test.java.model.