So I'm trying to get chat working on my website, and when I was testing locally it worked great, because port 8080 on my localhost was available and all that good stuff. But now I pushed my code to my Heroku app, and when I try and load my chat page, I get the error stating that it can't get localhost:8080/
I've seen node.js / not found and tried the suggestions, but none worked, even moving the file into a resource file did not work. I'm guessing this is because I'm using express 4.0?
Any help would be appreciated Thanks
Edit: So to add more details, since my question could seem a little vague, here is my relevant app.js code:
var client = require('').listen(8080).sockets;
In my jade file for the chat page, I have:
script (src = `'http://localhost:8080/`')
and later on
var socket = io.connect(`'http://localhost:8080`');
and all this works on localhost (I load up on port 5000, is connected to port 8080). I do this using 'foreman start' with the heroku toolbelt.
When I try and change these to work on heroku, it breaks and I'm not sure how to fix it. I hope this clarifies the question a bit.
Edit 2: I'm running: express 4.0.0 0.9.16
node 0.10.x