I am an Novice SQL server user and by boss has asked me to record transaction log growth.I am testing transaction log behavior on a dummy database for my production server and do not understand certain things. The production server will have only bulk inserts on the database(around 250 - 400 bulk inserts a day). The methods tested are
- Separate bulk inserts for each file.Begin /Commit/Rollback transaction for each files.
- All the files under a single bulk insert.Single Begin /Commit/Rollback transaction for all files.(What i don't want to do but my boss wants it done this way :D)
The database is in bulk log mode as all the inserts are in bulk. The log file was initially set to 3 GB and in the first scenario the log file size remained the same only the Log space used increased.
While in the second case when the bulk insert was performed the log file size increase to a whooping 27 GB but the space used remained minimal 0.5%. I am not understanding the sudden increase in the log size while the space used is still minimal. Does Begin /Commit/Rollback transaction have any effect on transaction logs? Data is being inserted only once in the day, So is keeping a production database in simple recovery mode really stupid?