I'm unable to re-render ng-repeat. The ng-repeat is connected to a scope variable, which I'm trying to change using an ng-click. The value of the variable is changing on ng-click, but the ng-repeat is not re-rendering. I've tried to go through all the suggestions on using $scope.$apply, but I've not been able to implement it. Please help.
See plunker here: http://plnkr.co/edit/iuh6tMrrjkKxCvQABaa5?p=preview
Relevant code below: (a ng-click is able to change the $scope.currentPaginationValue, as evident in Batarang, but it is not resulting in the re-rendering of ng-repeat associated with $scope.numbers)
.controller('numbersController', function($scope, dataService) {
$scope.currentPaginationValue = 4;
$scope.numbers = dataService.fetchNumbers($scope.currentPaginationValue);
$scope.gotoPrevPage = function() {
$scope.currentPaginationValue = $scope.currentPaginationValue - 1;