
In my Android app, I am integrating the Facebook SDK to have the shareDialog in it. The share dialog open perfectly with the pre-populated details. When I clicked SHARE on top right of sharedialog screen, I am getting the below mentioned error in logcat and in Toast. Please let me know where my config needs correction.


04-17 15:15:47.140: E/Facebook(14515): Error: com.facebook.FacebookException: Failed to     
authenticate the application because of app name mismatch.  Please check the application   
name configured by the dialog.
Check the Package Name in developers facebook.Shini
Have you added the line <activity android:name="com.facebook.LoginActivity" android:label="@string/app_name" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar" /> in your manifest file ?GrIsHu

2 Answers


Go to Facebook developers page

Apps --> "YourApp" --> settings -->

Then change Package name (your application package name) and Class name (your activity class name)

for an example:

enter image description here


This error is occuring due to mismatch of name, may be package name or class name or even application ID.

You need to check the AndroidMainfest.xml and also the dashboard of https://developers.facebook.com/apps/yourAppID/settings/. On the xml check if this is same as on the dashboard

        android:value="app_id" />   //the app_id must be same as on the dashboard

    <activity android:name="com.facebook.LoginActivity" >

Also check for the package name, class name of the dashboard is same on your android app.