I was trying to use MSI installer to install this file myInstaller.msi and also pass the value "" to IPADDRESS, which is mandatory on the process of installation. However, it comes up an error message "install failed". I checked on Windows, the application is installed, but it's not on Windows Services, where it is supposed to be.
msiexec /i myInstaller.msi IPADDRESS=
I also have read this link msiexec does not pass parameters to custom action. There is comment saying that installing ORCA and then editing the MSI file, it should work, however, after I have deleted cut row containing CustomTextC_SetProperty_EDIT1, and then saved the MSI file, it seems it's broken, it can not even run, the file is damaged.
Any help for this? I have been working almost 2 days trying to work it out, but can't. :-(