I´m using:
- neo4j 2.0.1
- spring data neo4j 3.0.1.RELEASE
I have a Node Person with the property name and I would like to search with Lucene syntax on that property. I´m using the findByNameLike method in my repository and that works perfect for query like value* or *value or * etc.
But I need a query like that {A* TO D*}. I found a deprecated method findAllByQuery("name", query) and with that method I can achieve my needs.
I was wondering what is the new method not deprecated that understand such query syntax.
I also noticed that if I create node from cypher, the node are not available in my search. With SDN I think that the generated node will be automatically add also to the index, but I don´t know how to check that and what is the index name. I must generate the node from cypher to have some base data in all my system. Should I add some special property in my cypher query?