I have coded a browser helper object in C# for IE, and would like to wrap up that code to implement a chrome/firefox extension. My research led me to Firebreath. I am now loading a content_script file which will fire an onSubmit event and send a message to backgound.htm,js files which handles my firebreath plugin. However, sure enough, m_host now points to the background htm file rather than the original website (from which the user pressed submit button). I tried replacing the html code form the native plugin, but it is not working..
test setup:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
for (var i = 0; i < document.forms.length; i++) {
document.forms[i].addEventListener("submit", function () {
var documentHTML = "<html>" + document.documentElement.innerHTML + "</html>";
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ inputElement: documentHTML }, function (response) { }); }); } });
function (request, sender, sendResponse) {
document.getElementById('plugin0').sethtml(request.inputElement); });
firebreath code:
void coolnewtestpluginAPI::setInnerHTML(const FB::variant& innerHTML)
The native plugin is being called, and I can debug through it. "setInnerHTML()" returns successfully without any errors, but the html code is not being updated, and refers to the original background.htm file. Any ideas?
PS: I'm not that fluent in javascript, so I'd rather offload as much as possible to c# / c++