Randomly clustered data
If your data is not expected to be near a line or a plane, just compute the distance of each point to the centroid:
xyz_bar = mean(xyz);
M = bsxfun(@minus,xyz,xyz_bar);
d = sqrt(sum(M.^2,2)); % distances to centroid
Then you can compute variability anyway you like. For example, standard deviation and RMS error:
Data about a 3D line
If the data points are expected to be roughly along the path of a line, with some deviation from it, you might look at the distance to a best fit line. First, fit a 3D line to your points. One way is using the following parametric form of a 3D line:
x = a*t + x0
y = b*t + y0
z = c*t + z0
Generate some test data, with noise:
abc = [2 3 1]; xyz0 = [6 12 3];
t = 0:0.1:10;
xyz = bsxfun(@plus,bsxfun(@times,abc,t.'),xyz0) + 0.5*randn(numel(t),3)
plot3(xyz(:,1),xyz(:,2),xyz(:,3),'*') % to visualize
Estimate the 3D line parameters:
xyz_bar = mean(xyz) % centroid is on the line
M = bsxfun(@minus,xyz,xyz_bar); % remove mean
[~,S,V] = svd(M,0)
abc_est = V(:,1).'
abc/norm(abc) % compare actual slope coefficients
Distance from points to a 3D line:
pointCentroidSeg = bsxfun(@minus,xyz_bar,xyz);
pointCross = cross(pointCentroidSeg, repmat(abc_est,size(xyz,1),1));
errs = sqrt(sum(pointCross.^2,2))
Now you have the distance from each point to the fit line ("error" of each point). You can compute the mean, RMS, standard deviation, etc.:
>> std(errs)
ans =
>> sqrt(mean(errs.^2))
ans =
Data about a 3D plane
See David's answer.