Ok, I have this code:
SKSpriteNode *flagTile = [((BGSKView *) self.skView).tileSprites[@"flag"] copy];
flagTile.anchorPoint = CGPointZero;
flagTile.size = touchedNode.size;
flagTile.name = @"flag";
[touchedNode addChild:flagTile];
When user taps a field (an SKSpriteNode) it adds one more sprite to its children - flag node. touchedNode texture size is 80x80, flag texture is 80x80... they are totally equal, the main difference is that the flag texture has transparent borders.
But strange thing happens: flag node is always has its real (lets call it "tappable") area smaller than the touchedNode and its position is kind a weird thing.
Like so:
The structure of my all layers are like this: compoundNode contains two layers - A and B. When resize of the whole tree is needed xScale and yScale is set (compoundNode). No other manipulations with sizes.
What am I doing wrong?
What I really need is to have my flagTile tappable area to be the size of touchedNode. And one more: if I replace:
SKSpriteNode *flagTile = [((BGSKView *) self.skView).tileSprites[@"flag"] copy];
with this one:
SKSpriteNode *flagTile = [SKSpriteNode spriteWithColor:[UIColor clearColor] size:touchedNode.size];
it works great.
I have tried even changing the texture property after created clearColor sprite - nothing works.