
I am working on DROOLS 6.0.1 application. I have my rule files (*.drl) packaged inside a separate project which is included as a jar file as a maven dependency. When I deploy my project, KIEModule is not able to find the rules files (which are packaged inside the jar above). I am not getting an error though but rules are not getting fired.

If I manually place the rules files under classpath say WEB-INF/rules/*.drl they are detected and rules are executed.

I was under impression that KIEmodules are auto discovered from anywhere in classpath.

Any pointers are appreciated. This is general question hence I have not included the comprehensive code files. Everything start working once I place the *.drl files in the classpath (take them outside of jar).


did you ever fix this problem?user2512806
Not really. We went live with reading rules from filesystem.Ashish

1 Answers


Step 1 : Found the solution, the package with DLR must be declared inside your : "kmodule.xml"

Step2: you have to create enter image description here Step3:enter image description here