
I am having some problems setting up a session management system for UDP with the Netty framework. I am confused about what is new per UDP remote client. For every new UDP remote client, does that client get a new ChannelPipelineFactory, or is a new Channel created per new remote client?

I have 2 ports, port 161 and port 162 that are both UDP ports and both will be receiving data from numerous UDP clients. How can I differentiate between the clients? I started to create a session management service based on RemoteAddress provided by DatagramPacket.sender() but I don't know if it's safe to attach to the ChannelHandlerContext attribute() chain.


1 Answers


Since UDP is connection less, the DatagramPacket.sender will be your only option to route messages to the appropriate session. There is conceptually only one ChannelPipelineFactory and in fact only one Channel for UDP for the application. As far as I know it is not safe to attach the ChannelHandlerContext. The way to deal with multiple clients is to use a Map with the key as the DatagramPacket.sender address and value as your session.