
In the login window, if password not matched then error must be shown. All coding i have done but the problem is in Sql Server Password column it is not case sensitive and i donot know how to implement this.

if a user has password abc09Fd and he typed the password in the format ABC09fD, SQL server makes him login. How to resolve this.

my table schema is

create table Users
UserId int identity constraint PK_UserID primary key,
RoleId int constraint FK_Role_Users_RoleID foreign key references Roles(RoleId),
Username nvarchar(256) not null constraint U_Users_Username unique ,
Password nvarchar(256) not null

What does the query look like? I'm guessing either code or the query itself is changing the credentials to lower case before query execution.tier1
a stored procedure with 2 parameters @username and @passwordHassaan
You really shouldn't store the password. Have a look at storing a checksum of a password instead.Mikael Eriksson
Perhaps using hashbytesMikael Eriksson
got a solution since sql server is not case sensitive uing collate helps alot SELECT * FROM users WHERE Username=@username and Password = @password COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_ASHassaan

1 Answers


This is where a collation could come into play.

As others pointed out, note that storing passwords
in plain text is far from being a good idea.

SELECT [Password]
FROM [Users]
WHERE [Password] COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS = 'PaSSWord'

See also:


