
I am connecting USB RFID reader to Android Tablet using OTG cable. Data from RFID tag is directly written into notepad, but I can't access the device from Android code. RFID reader is not recognized as USB by app.

Anyone has faced similar problem. I need to get the data in Android app.

So the RFID reader emulates a keyboard? If so I would expect the same behavior on the android device. So you wouldn't have anything to access it via code as it's a keyboard.Dreamwalker
Unless you have root on the device and can get the system to ignore it so that it becomes available to the USB Host APIs, you will probably have to acquire the data as keyboard data.Chris Stratton

2 Answers


After research I have found that USB RFID Reader which is Keyboard Interface type is going to work as Keyboard input interface device when attached to Android OS, and therefor not able to read using API. (This is the how RFID manufacture has design that type of Reader)

However there are Read & Write type of Read which can be read and write using API. Reader manufacture must have to provide API kit to in order to read/write data from Reader.


Thanks for the input. I was trying to solve this problem from past few days.

I solved the problem by adding a edit text in my app and now the input from RFID reader directly comes into edit text.