In the following real world example I do a match:
type Style = Nice | Cool | Ugly
type Color = Blue | Yellow | Orange | Grey | Cyan
type ClothingProperties = Style * Color
type Clothes =
| Jeans of ClothingProperties
| Pullover of ClothingProperties
| Shirt of ClothingProperties
type Person =
| Person of string * Clothes
let team = [Person("Jan", Jeans (Cool, Blue)); Person("Pete", Shirt (Nice, Cyan)); Person("Harry", Pullover (Ugly, Grey))]
let matchPerson person=
match person with
| Person(name, Jeans(Ugly,_) ) -> printfn "%s wears ugly stuff." name
| Person(name, Pullover(Ugly,_) ) -> printfn "%s wears ugly stuff." name
| Person(name, Shirt(Ugly,_) ) -> printfn "%s wears ugly stuff." name
| _ -> ()
List.iter(fun x->matchPerson x) team
Is there a way to create a more efficient match, so I don't need to check each clothing case? Something like this:
let matchPerson person=
match person with
| Person(name, _ (Ugly,_) ) -> printfn "%s wears ugly stuff." name
| _ -> ()
Of course, this is not correct syntax. But how can I achieve such an effect?