
OF version:3.9.1, I can use pidgin to log on.

When using strophe.js, I tried BOSH first, but it fails, probably I didn't get apache settings right. Then I decide to try websockets, and this is my preferred option, however, I got the following error message:

WebSocket connection to 'ws://ikan.tk:7070/ws/server' failed: WebSocket is closed before the connection is established.

then the status is "connecting" always.


  1. what's the URL for websocket? using http-bind port (7070), or the client port (5222)? Any path (like /ws/server) to be followed ?

  2. I'm using OF 3.9.1 on windows, no plugin installed. Does OF 3.9.1 support WS by default, or I have to install some plugin, or there's some configuration items I need to do?

Thanks in advance!


1 Answers



1) The URL for websocket on OpenFire is ws://of-server:7070/ws with default configuration (see below).

2) You need to install the "WebSockets Plugin" plugin for OpenFire, then you can configure the path of the websocket ("ws" is default) in properties page under the "Server > WebSockets" tab.