
Anyone know the URL to this icon, and if you can change the color on the most recent version of Google Maps API ?

I'd like a blue/green icon like below!

enter image description here

EDIT -----------------------------------------

I've found the markers here:

Markers With Text

Green MarkerRed Marker

scale = 2
text  = AB
psize = 16
  1. Green Marker
  2. Red Marker
  3. Google Development: Markers
What do you mean by URL to this icon? can you add more details?Praveen
From what i can tell, on Google Maps API V2 there was a repository of available icons, that is now deprecated. Mostly of Flat icons with black outlines, that look old as hell now. I'm looking for the nice new ones.Matt
@Matt Did you manage to find them?Brandon Pillay
Gosh, it's a long time ago mate, i can't remember off the top of my head. I will look into it, and if i find something i will let you know.Matt

1 Answers


You can custom everything with the API of google map. To have a different pointer, you must add a specific code and give him the link to the icon you want to assign, and its position.

Something like this for exemple:

var iconBase = 'https://maps.google.com/mapfiles/kml/shapes/';
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
  position: myLatLng,
  map: map,
  icon: iconBase + 'schools_maps.png'

Link to the documentation: https://developers.google.com/maps/tutorials/customizing/custom-markers

I hope it will be able to help you :)