
I would like to edit my default settings in Sublime Text 3 (beta build 3059) to not ignore the Vintage package - via Preferences > Settings - Default. I am running Sublime Text on Windows 7 Pro x64.

The Vintage package's documentation says to edit and save the default settings file to enable Vintage mode:

Sublime Text 3 Vintage Package Documentation

When I click the Settings - Default menu item, the default Preferences.sublime-settings file opens with expected content; but I cannot edit it. For example, deleting or backspacing to remove "Vintage" in "ignored_packages": ["Vintage"] does nothing.

I thought maybe the default settings file was marked readonly and tried to check it: C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\Default\Preferences.sublime-settings does not exist. C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\Default does not exist either.

To work around this, I tried to save the default settings file that Sublime Text opened for me - to see if that would create the Default directory and Preferences.sublime-settings in it. Instead Sublime Text gave the following error:

Unable to save C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\Default\Preferences.sublime-settings
Error: The system cannot find the path specified.

Has anyone encountered this issue with Sublime Text 3 (specifically in trying to enable Vintage mode or otherwise) and worked around it...or found an authoritative explanation for it?

I reason that next I could try to add the missing Default directory myself, create an empty Preferences.sublime-settings text file in it, and try again to save the default settings file that Sublime Text opened for me; but this is starting to feel kludgy.

I know a solution has been posted, but did you ever figure out why the file doesn't exist? I have the same problem; I'm on a Mac, but the "Default" folder was not created at all when running Sublime. Although the "User" file exists. And worse than you, my "Default" files are all empty rather than containing anything.Gary
@Gary, they just simply changed the way you meant to apply the settings in the 3rd edition and haven't caught up with the documentation yet. It's Beta you know. Check my answer for the fix.Mehrad

5 Answers


You should not edit the default settings. Add the files you want to ignore to the file Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings. You can open this file by going to Preferences - >Settings - User. Anything you set here will override the default settings.


I understand that you want to Not ignore the Vintage rather. This still can be done using the Preferences.sublime-setting-User. AFAIK, any value given in this file overwrites the entries in Preferences.sublime-setting-Default.

Simply add this line with the "Vintage" removed in it to your User preferences and you'll be fine. (Remember to save the file after you did the edit and the change will happen instantly)

Also, not that VI mode in sublime is on edit more by default so make sure you press Esc first to make sure VI is activated.

// Settings in here override those in "Default/Preferences.sublime-settings",
// and are overridden in turn by file type specific settings.
    "ignored_packages": []


The latest format is,

      // Line below is commented out to enable Vintage.

    // To start Sublime in Command moder 
    // rather than Insert mode.
    "vintage_start_in_command_mode": true

Install 'PackageResourceViewer' from 'Install Package' in the Command Palette.

Then use 'PackageResourceViewer' command in the Command Palette.

Use that to extract/open the default packages you previously were unable to.

More information here : https://github.com/skuroda/PackageResourceViewer


I use Sublime Text3 recently in Windows 10. I'm trying to change the file: Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings. And met your problem "Enable to sa ve Preferences.sublime-settings". I solve this by changing file Preferences.sublime-settings's property, in Security, edit "user"'s permissions. Allowed to modify. And then I can edit and save Preferences.sublime-settings


When I install Sublime Text in Linux, I report the message NOTADIRECTORYERROR: [ERRNO 20] NOT A DIRECTORY. At first I thought it was because the Defalut folder was missing, but later I realized it wasn't. I then checked the Settings of my SublimeREPL. Sublime-setings and deleted the contents after bin, and found that the program worked fine.

old: "default_extend_env": {"PATH": "{PATH}:/home/bgnv5/anaconda3/bin/python"},

new: "default_extend_env": {"PATH": "{PATH}:/home/bgnv5/anaconda3/bin/"},

Spent a lot of time to find problems, I hope to help you.