
Here is the problem: Biztalk application should get data from webservice into two steps:

1.Request list of changed clients GetChangedClients(date) and receive list in format:

        <client id='C1'>
        <client id='C2'>
        <client id='CN'>

2.After receiving list of clients Biztalk will issue one call per client like


3.After changes messages received they will be passed to WCF-port.

Question: What would be the best way to build this into biztalk (building orchestration with a loop, call component to create multiple messages with clientid, create custom adapter ) ?

Do the changes to 'client' have to be done in order or can they run parallel?Johns-305
Clients can run parallelPomodoro Technique Game
Can you change that webservice? I think the best solution is to make that service send you a batch of changed clients, so you can use envelope schema to disassemble it and manage clients in parallel.Arsen Magomedov
Unfortunately I'm not controlling web-service.Pomodoro Technique Game

2 Answers


I think that the scatter-gatherer pattern would work well for this. In your orchestration split the clients xml document into individual client messages, then publish these to a orchestration that handles them along with a correlation token. The orchestration that does the individual calls and sends the response back to the controlling orchestration. An example can be found at http://www.richardhallgren.com/a-loosely-coupled-scatter-and-gather-implementation-in-biztalk-2006/

Another place for an example of this is at http://blogs.msdn.com/b/cvidotto/archive/2006/12/18/biztalk-server-2006-code-samples-awesome.aspx. Search for Implementing Scatter and Gather Pattern.


One of the simplest way to this, is to use Partner Direct Ports in BizTalk.