I have a ListBox in WPF with a DataBinded Xml Collection. I set the SelectionMode to Extended so the user can select multiple items. I have a RemoveItem command which iterates through the selecteditems and removes them from the list:
var selecteditems = this.SelectedItems;
for(int i = 0; i < selecteditems.Count; i++ )
ItemBox ouritem = (ItemBox)this.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(this.SelectedItems[i]);
XmlDataProvider prov = this.DataContext as XmlDataProvider;
XmlNode MainNode = prov.Document.SelectSingleNode("//MainNode");
MainNode.RemoveChild(selecteditems[i] as XmlNode);
The problem is that after the first item of a selection is deleted, the selection is cleared and the last item of the list is selected.
How can I keep the selection that I started with and make sure all the items are deleted?