I am new to SignalR but I was curious about how secure it is.
For example, I create the following method to send a message to all users like so:
public class NotificationHub : Hub
public void Send(string message)
SignalR generates the following method in a js file (hubs):
proxies.notificationHub.server = {
send: function (message) {
return proxies.notificationHub.invoke.apply(proxies.notificationHub, $.merge(["Send"], $.makeArray(arguments)));
So, couldn't any user in the world just copy and paste this into their console and send a message of their choice to all of my users without my say-so?
var notifications = $.connection.notificationHub;
notifications.server.send("Your site has been hacked!");
I just tried this and it works - so, how can I prevent my users from sending unauthorized messages from the client side?
[Authorize(Roles ="Admin"))
above my method to prevent any old user from accessing it... Just looking for some advice. I found that info here asp.net/signalr/overview/signalr-20/security/hub-authorization – user1477388