Recently, I am trying to using Matlab build-in neural networks toolbox to accomplish my classification problem. However, I have some questions about the parameter settings.
a. The number of neurons in the hidden layer:
The example on this page Matlab neural networks classification example shows a two-layer (i.e. one-hidden-layer and one-output-layer) feed forward neural networks. In this example, it uses 10 neurons in the hidden layer
net = patternnet(10);
My first question is how to define the best number of neurons for my classification problem? Should I use cross-validation method to get the best performed number of neurons using a training data set?
b. Is there a method to choose three-layer or more multi-layer neural networks?
c. There are many different training method we can use in the neural networks toolbox. A list can be found at Training methods list. The page mentioned that the fastest training function is generally 'trainlm'; however, generally speaking, which one will perform best? Or it totally depends on the data set I am using?
d. In each training method, there is a parameter called 'epochs', which is the training iteration for my understanding. For each training method, Matlab defined the maximum number of epochs to train. However, from the example, it seems like 'epochs' is another parameter we can tune. Am I right? Or we just set the maximum number of epochs or leave it as default?
Any experience with Matlab neural networks toolbox is welcome and thanks very much for your reply. A.