I am new to SAS macro writing and I have been struggling with writing a code for the following instance.
I have a list that is a combination of comp_id and date as follows -
DATA compno_date_list;
INPUT compno sdate;
12490 20090120
87432 20090120
24643 20090120
87432 20090119
12490 20090105
24643 20090105
Now, this is a sample list. I need to run a huge macro on this list on a very large dataset. Since doing it for every row i.e. comp_ID - date combination will take a lot of time, I plan to select unique dates and create a macro variable that has all the dates. For each date in this macro variable, I need to create a macro variable that has the list of comp_IDs pertaining to that date. So, I plan to run the following macro that generates 'n' macro variables where 'n' is the total number of dates as follows -
%let j = 1;
%let sdate3 = %scan(&sdate1., &j.);
%do %while(&j.<= &ndate.);
proc sql;
select distinct compno into : n&j.
separated by ' '
from compno_date_list where sdate=&sdate3.;
%let j= &j. + 1;
%let sdate3 = %scan(&sdate1., &j.);
%put &j.;
%put &sdate3.;
%put &(n&j);
Here, sdate1 is the macro variable containing all unique dates and ndate is a macro variable with the count of total unique dates.
But if I run this code, I get the following values in my log file from my last 3 %put statements in the macro above -
1 + 1
&(n1+ 1)
i.e. j is being treated as character variable(?). WHy is this happening and how do I rectify this? Thanks!