I need to make an exe program that has no import table
iam using C++ i don't use any API even loadlibrary and getprocaddress i get handles to them in runtime
still when i build the application using visual studio 2013 [also tried visual studio 6]
the resulting exe has many imports from kernel32.dll
Address Ordinal Name Library
------- ------- ---- -------
0040E000 MultiByteToWideChar KERNEL32
0040E004 RtlUnwind KERNEL32
0040E008 HeapAlloc KERNEL32
0040E00C ExitProcess KERNEL32
0040E010 TerminateProcess KERNEL32
0040E014 GetCurrentProcess KERNEL32
0040E018 GetCommandLineA KERNEL32
0040E01C GetVersion KERNEL32
0040E020 RaiseException KERNEL32
0040E024 HeapFree KERNEL32
0040E028 HeapReAlloc KERNEL32
0040E02C HeapSize KERNEL32
0040E030 HeapDestroy KERNEL32
0040E034 HeapCreate KERNEL32
0040E038 VirtualFree KERNEL32
0040E03C VirtualAlloc KERNEL32
0040E040 IsBadWritePtr KERNEL32
0040E044 SetHandleCount KERNEL32
0040E048 GetStdHandle KERNEL32
0040E04C GetFileType KERNEL32
0040E050 GetStartupInfoA KERNEL32
0040E054 UnhandledExceptionFilter KERNEL32
0040E058 GetModuleFileNameA KERNEL32
0040E05C FreeEnvironmentStringsA KERNEL32
0040E060 FreeEnvironmentStringsW KERNEL32
0040E064 WideCharToMultiByte KERNEL32
0040E068 GetEnvironmentStrings KERNEL32
0040E06C GetEnvironmentStringsW KERNEL32
0040E070 WriteFile KERNEL32
0040E074 GetLastError KERNEL32
0040E078 SetFilePointer KERNEL32
0040E07C FlushFileBuffers KERNEL32
0040E080 CloseHandle KERNEL32
0040E084 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter KERNEL32
0040E088 IsBadReadPtr KERNEL32
0040E08C IsBadCodePtr KERNEL32
0040E090 GetCPInfo KERNEL32
0040E094 GetACP KERNEL32
0040E098 GetOEMCP KERNEL32
0040E09C GetProcAddress KERNEL32
0040E0A0 LoadLibraryA KERNEL32
0040E0A4 ReadFile KERNEL32
0040E0A8 SetStdHandle KERNEL32
0040E0AC LCMapStringA KERNEL32
0040E0B0 LCMapStringW KERNEL32
0040E0B4 GetStringTypeA KERNEL32
0040E0B8 GetStringTypeW KERNEL32
0040E0BC ReadConsoleInputA KERNEL32
0040E0C0 SetConsoleMode KERNEL32
0040E0C4 GetConsoleMode KERNEL32
0040E0C8 CreateFileA KERNEL32
i used debug and release option both give the same problem i used multithreaded MD same problem
any ideas
Thanks for your time in advance [Note: my code include some inline assembly]
to reduce the size of the problem. I configured the entry point on the linker option i pointed to main
this helped to reduce the import table to the following
Address Ordinal Name Library
------- ------- ---- -------
00406000 HeapAlloc KERNEL32
00406004 ExitProcess KERNEL32
00406008 TerminateProcess KERNEL32
0040600C GetCurrentProcess KERNEL32
00406010 HeapFree KERNEL32
00406014 VirtualAlloc KERNEL32
00406018 HeapReAlloc KERNEL32
reduced even more
1st - uncheck the include default libraries in linker options
2nd - add MSVCRT.LIB to the linker command
now the import table is
Address Ordinal Name Library
------- ------- ---- -------
00405000 malloc MSVCRT
00405004 exit MSVCRT
00405008 rand MSVCRT