
Consider the following function as an example:

(defn f [x y] (+ x y))

I want to use this function to add 2 to each element of a vector:

[1 2 6 3 6]

I can use map:

(map f [1 2 6 3 6] [2 2 2 2 2])

But it seems a little ugly creating the second vector where every element is exactly the same.

So I thought using a closure was a better approach:

(map (fn g [x] (f x 2)) [1 2 6 3 6])

So my question is:

In clojure, what is the best way to use map when some arguments are not changing?

Use mapv instead of map, and you'll get another vector. map's laziness doesn't buy you anything here.Thumbnail

2 Answers


Just apply partial function

(map (partial + 2) [1 2 6 3 6]) => (3 4 8 5 8)

Approach 1: use repeat.

(repeat 2) gives you a lazy sequence of infinite 2s

In your case,

(map f [1 2 6 3 6] [2 2 2 2 2])

should be converted into

(map f [1 2 6 3 6] (repeat 2))

Approach 2: use anonymous function

(map #(f % 2) [1 2 6 3 6])