At first, there's a rich text field in the form that has a text inputted already (for this scenario - "hello world"). I have placed the cursor just after the letter "o" from "hello". I have a button that will open up a dialog box with one text field and I was wondering how would you be able to insert the text from that field from the dialog box at the current position of the cursor in the rich text field.
So far the code I have is:
Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim workspace As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Set db = s.currentdatabase
Dim docFill As New notesdocument(db)
Call workspace.DialogBox _
( "Test", True, True, False, False, _
False, False, "Test Insert text at current position in rich text field", docFill, True, False, True )
Dim string1 As String
string1 = docFill.sampleText1(0)
Dim rts As NotesRichTextStyle
Set rts = s.CreateRichTextStyle
End Subs
End Sub
Let's say I entered "stackoverflow" in sampleText1 text field. After clicking ok then it will be inserted at the position of the cursor in the rich text field. So the result will be "hellostackoverflow world".
Also just an additional question. Let's say I also wanted the text to be in color red or a different font so I would be using notesrichtextstyle class etc to design it. How would you be able to insert the rich text at the position of the cursor in the rich text fiel if that would be the case?