
am getting an unclear error , while enabling SSL for custom domain in google apps, i clicked enable billing, and according to new Appengine pricing , 5 Solts of SNI SSL Certificates are free, after enabling ssl, i got the following error

<--app name here--> has insufficient budget to add additional SSL resources. Increase the application's daily budget to be able to allocate VIPs or SNI certificate slots.

appengine console says $0.00 per 5 certificates per month (its free)

i even raised my daily budget to $10 but am still getting the same error, does anyone have any idea ?

Where does it say that enabling SSL slots is free? I have understood that it is paid.Hernán Acosta
in google apps security section, its no more paid service, according to new appengine pricingRamesh Lingappa
@Ramesh were you able to resolve it? What daily budget do you have?STF
ya i was able to add it, it was an bug i thinkRamesh Lingappa
Today I am getting this error: "Applications should be in good standing and have billing enabled to use SSL.". The billing is enabled, and the daily budget is set to $0.33. The application works fine. ?!??...STF

1 Answers


Try after 24 hours, It ll be resolved .

We face such random issue in google App engine setup/admin panel.