I've been coding in assembly on Linux using NASM and am now trying to learn the same for Windows. Following advanced MS-DOS programming by Ray Duncan, Figure 3-7 lists a hello world program based on MASM which basically prints "hello world" using interrupt 21h. This is synonymous to doing the same on Linux using interrupt 80h and feels like home. I want to do the same using NASM on windows.
Most of the examples on the net use the Windows API such _GetStdHandle, _WriteConsoleA etc. or use C libraries such as _printf. I want to do it bare bones.Something along the following snippt:
global _start
section .data
str: db 'hello, world',0xA
strLen: equ $-str
section .text
mov ah,40h
mov bx,1
mov cx, strLen
mov dx, str
int 21h
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
Hope I am not being ambiguous :)