I'm implementing a first person camera using the GLM library that provides me with some useful functions that calculate perspective and 'lookAt' matrices. I'm also using OpenGL but that shouldn't make a difference in this code.
Basically, what I'm experiencing is that I can look around, much like in a regular FPS, and move around. But the movement is constrained to the three axes in a way that if I rotate the camera, I would still move in the same direction as if I had not rotated it... Let me illustrate (in 2D, to simplify things).
In this image, you can see four camera positions. Those marked with a one are before movement, those marked with a two are after movement. The red triangles represent a camera that is oriented straight forward along the z axis. The blue triangles represent a camera that hasbeen rotated to look backward along the x axis (to the left). When I press the 'forward movement key', the camera moves forward along the z axis in both cases, disregarding the camera orientation.
What I want is a more FPS-like behaviour, where pressing forward moves me in the direction the camera is facing. I thought that with the arguments I pass to glm::lookAt
, this would be achieved. Apparently not.
What is wrong with my calculations?
// Calculate the camera's orientation
float angleHori = -mMouseSpeed * Mouse::x; // Note that (0, 0) is the center of the screen
float angleVert = -mMouseSpeed * Mouse::y;
glm::vec3 dir(
cos(angleVert) * sin(angleHori),
cos(angleVert) * cos(angleHori)
glm::vec3 right(
sin(angleHori - M_PI / 2.0f),
cos(angleHori - M_PI / 2.0f)
glm::vec3 up = glm::cross(right, dir);
// Calculate projection and view matrix
glm::mat4 projMatrix = glm::perspective(mFOV, mViewPortSizeX / (float)mViewPortSizeY, mZNear, mZFar);
glm::mat4 viewMatrix = glm::lookAt(mPosition, mPosition + dir, up);